Exploratory Data Analysis Project with Python.

US Accident (More Than 2.8 Million Records)
Asked Questions:
Are there more accidents in colder or warmer places?
Which states have the highest umber of accidents, how about per capita?...
Does NewYork shows within the Data, and if yes, why is the count of accidents lower compared to its population?
Among the top 100 cities in the number of accidents, which state do they belong to most frequently?
What time of the day are accident most frequent?
Which Days of the week are most accidents?
which month have the most accidents?
What is the trend of accidents year over year (increasing/decreasing)?
What is accident per unit of traffic the highest?


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap

# Are there more accidents in colder or wormer place?
# which states have the highest umber of accidents, how about per capita?
# Does NewYork shows within the Data , and if yes, why is the count of accidents lower compared to its population?
# among the top 100 cities in the number of accidents , which state do they belon to most frequently?
# what time of the day are accident most frequent in?
# Wich Days of the week are most accidents?
# which month have the most accidents?
# what is the trend of accidnets year over year (increaing / decreasing)?
# what is accident per unit of trffic the highest
# let's open our data

df = pd.read_csv("US_Accidents.csv")

ID	Severity	Start_Time	End_Time	Start_Lat	Start_Lng	End_Lat	End_Lng	Distance(mi)	Description	...	Roundabout	Station	Stop	Traffic_Calming	Traffic_Signal	Turning_Loop	Sunrise_Sunset	Civil_Twilight	Nautical_Twilight	Astronomical_Twilight
0	A-1	3	2016-02-08 00:37:08	2016-02-08 06:37:08	40.10891	-83.09286	40.11206	-83.03187	3.230	Between Sawmill Rd/Exit 20 and OH-315/Olentang...	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	Night	Night	Night	Night
1	A-2	2	2016-02-08 05:56:20	2016-02-08 11:56:20	39.86542	-84.06280	39.86501	-84.04873	0.747	At OH-4/OH-235/Exit 41 - Accident.	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	Night	Night	Night	Night
2 rows × 47 columns


 #   Column                 Dtype
---  ------                 -----
 0   ID                     object
 1   Severity               int64
 2   Start_Time             object
 3   End_Time               object
 4   Start_Lat              float64
 5   Start_Lng              float64
 6   End_Lat                float64
 7   End_Lng                float64
 8   Distance(mi)           float64
 9   Description            object
 10  Number                 float64
 11  Street                 object
 12  Side                   object
 13  City                   object
 14  County                 object
 15  State                  object
 16  Zipcode                object
 17  Country                object
 18  Timezone               object
 19  Airport_Code           object
 20  Weather_Timestamp      object
 21  Temperature(F)         float64
 22  Wind_Chill(F)          float64
 23  Humidity(%)            float64
 24  Pressure(in)           float64
 25  Visibility(mi)         float64
 26  Wind_Direction         object
 27  Wind_Speed(mph)        float64
 28  Precipitation(in)      float64
 29  Weather_Condition      object
 30  Amenity                bool
 31  Bump                   bool
 32  Crossing               bool
 33  Give_Way               bool
 34  Junction               bool
 35  No_Exit                bool
 36  Railway                bool
 37  Roundabout             bool
 38  Station                bool
 39  Stop                   bool
 40  Traffic_Calming        bool
 41  Traffic_Signal         bool
 42  Turning_Loop           bool
 43  Sunrise_Sunset         object
 44  Civil_Twilight         object
 45  Nautical_Twilight      object
 46  Astronomical_Twilight  object
dtypes: bool(13), float64(13), int64(1), object(20)
memory usage: 773.4+ MB


ID                        object
Severity                   int64
Start_Time                object
End_Time                  object
Start_Lat                float64
Start_Lng                float64
End_Lat                  float64
End_Lng                  float64
Distance(mi)             float64
Description               object
Number                   float64
Street                    object
Side                      object
City                      object
County                    object
State                     object
Zipcode                   object
Country                   object
Timezone                  object
Airport_Code              object
Weather_Timestamp         object
Temperature(F)           float64
Wind_Chill(F)            float64
Humidity(%)              float64
Pressure(in)             float64
Visibility(mi)           float64
Wind_Direction            object
Wind_Speed(mph)          float64
Precipitation(in)        float64
Weather_Condition         object
Amenity                     bool
Bump                        bool
Crossing                    bool
Give_Way                    bool
Junction                    bool
No_Exit                     bool
Railway                     bool
Roundabout                  bool
Station                     bool
Stop                        bool
Traffic_Calming             bool
Traffic_Signal              bool
Turning_Loop                bool
Sunrise_Sunset            object
Civil_Twilight            object
Nautical_Twilight         object
Astronomical_Twilight     object
dtype: object


Severity	Start_Lat	Start_Lng	End_Lat	End_Lng	Distance(mi)	Number	Temperature(F)	Wind_Chill(F)	Humidity(%)	Pressure(in)	Visibility(mi)	Wind_Speed(mph)	Precipitation(in)
count	2.845342e+06	2.845342e+06	2.845342e+06	2.845342e+06	2.845342e+06	2.845342e+06	1.101431e+06	2.776068e+06	2.375699e+06	2.772250e+06	2.786142e+06	2.774796e+06	2.687398e+06	2.295884e+06
mean	2.137572e+00	3.624520e+01	-9.711463e+01	3.624532e+01	-9.711439e+01	7.026779e-01	8.089408e+03	6.179356e+01	5.965823e+01	6.436545e+01	2.947234e+01	9.099391e+00	7.395044e+00	7.016940e-03
std	4.787216e-01	5.363797e+00	1.831782e+01	5.363873e+00	1.831763e+01	1.560361e+00	1.836009e+04	1.862263e+01	2.116097e+01	2.287457e+01	1.045286e+00	2.717546e+00	5.527454e+00	9.348831e-02
min	1.000000e+00	2.456603e+01	-1.245481e+02	2.456601e+01	-1.245457e+02	0.000000e+00	0.000000e+00	-8.900000e+01	-8.900000e+01	1.000000e+00	0.000000e+00	0.000000e+00	0.000000e+00	0.000000e+00
25%	2.000000e+00	3.344517e+01	-1.180331e+02	3.344628e+01	-1.180333e+02	5.200000e-02	1.270000e+03	5.000000e+01	4.600000e+01	4.800000e+01	2.931000e+01	1.000000e+01	3.500000e+00	0.000000e+00
50%	2.000000e+00	3.609861e+01	-9.241808e+01	3.609799e+01	-9.241772e+01	2.440000e-01	4.007000e+03	6.400000e+01	6.300000e+01	6.700000e+01	2.982000e+01	1.000000e+01	7.000000e+00	0.000000e+00
75%	2.000000e+00	4.016024e+01	-8.037243e+01	4.016105e+01	-8.037338e+01	7.640000e-01	9.567000e+03	7.600000e+01	7.600000e+01	8.300000e+01	3.001000e+01	1.000000e+01	1.000000e+01	0.000000e+00
max	4.000000e+00	4.900058e+01	-6.711317e+01	4.907500e+01	-6.710924e+01	1.551860e+02	9.999997e+06	1.960000e+02	1.960000e+02	1.000000e+02	5.890000e+01	1.400000e+02	1.087000e+03	2.400000e+01

# pandas count number of numerical columns

numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']

newdf = df.select_dtypes(include=numerics)



ID	Severity	Start_Time	End_Time	Start_Lat	Start_Lng	End_Lat	End_Lng	Distance(mi)	Description	...	Roundabout	Station	Stop	Traffic_Calming	Traffic_Signal	Turning_Loop	Sunrise_Sunset	Civil_Twilight	Nautical_Twilight	Astronomical_Twilight
0	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
1	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
3	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
4	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
2845337	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2845338	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2845339	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2845340	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2845341	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	...	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	False
2845342 rows × 47 columns

missig_values = df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)

Number                   1743911
Precipitation(in)         549458
Wind_Chill(F)             469643
Wind_Speed(mph)           157944
Wind_Direction             73775
Humidity(%)                73092
Weather_Condition          70636
Visibility(mi)             70546
Temperature(F)             69274
Pressure(in)               59200
Weather_Timestamp          50736
Airport_Code                9549
Timezone                    3659
Nautical_Twilight           2867
Civil_Twilight              2867
Sunrise_Sunset              2867
Astronomical_Twilight       2867
Zipcode                     1319
City                         137
Street                         2
Country                        0
Junction                       0
Start_Time                     0
End_Time                       0
Start_Lat                      0
Turning_Loop                   0
Traffic_Signal                 0
Traffic_Calming                0
Stop                           0
Station                        0
Roundabout                     0
Railway                        0
No_Exit                        0
Crossing                       0
Give_Way                       0
Bump                           0
Amenity                        0
Start_Lng                      0
End_Lat                        0
End_Lng                        0
Distance(mi)                   0
Description                    0
Severity                       0
Side                           0
County                         0
State                          0
ID                             0
dtype: int64
missig_values[missig_values != 0]
Number                   1743911
Precipitation(in)         549458
Wind_Chill(F)             469643
Wind_Speed(mph)           157944
Wind_Direction             73775
Humidity(%)                73092
Weather_Condition          70636
Visibility(mi)             70546
Temperature(F)             69274
Pressure(in)               59200
Weather_Timestamp          50736
Airport_Code                9549
Timezone                    3659
Nautical_Twilight           2867
Civil_Twilight              2867
Sunrise_Sunset              2867
Astronomical_Twilight       2867
Zipcode                     1319
City                         137
Street                         2
dtype: int64

# Exploratory and Visualization
# columns to use for analysis

# 'City' / 'Start_Time' / 'Start_Lat'/ 'Start_Lng' / 'Temperature(F)' / 'Weather_Condition'


Index(['ID', 'Severity', 'Start_Time', 'End_Time', 'Start_Lat', 'Start_Lng',
       'End_Lat', 'End_Lng', 'Distance(mi)', 'Description', 'Number', 'Street',
       'Side', 'City', 'County', 'State', 'Zipcode', 'Country', 'Timezone',
       'Airport_Code', 'Weather_Timestamp', 'Temperature(F)', 'Wind_Chill(F)',
       'Humidity(%)', 'Pressure(in)', 'Visibility(mi)', 'Wind_Direction',
       'Wind_Speed(mph)', 'Precipitation(in)', 'Weather_Condition', 'Amenity',
       'Bump', 'Crossing', 'Give_Way', 'Junction', 'No_Exit', 'Railway',
       'Roundabout', 'Station', 'Stop', 'Traffic_Calming', 'Traffic_Signal',
       'Turning_Loop', 'Sunrise_Sunset', 'Civil_Twilight', 'Nautical_Twilight',

cities = df['City'].unique()


df[['City', 'County', 'State', 'Zipcode', 'Country', 'Weather_Condition']] = df[['City', 'County', 'State', 'Zipcode', 'Country', 'Weather_Condition']].astype("category")

 #   Column                 Dtype
---  ------                 -----
 0   ID                     object
 1   Severity               int64
 2   Start_Time             object
 3   End_Time               object
 4   Start_Lat              float64
 5   Start_Lng              float64
 6   End_Lat                float64
 7   End_Lng                float64
 8   Distance(mi)           float64
 9   Description            object
 10  Number                 float64
 11  Street                 object
 12  Side                   object
 13  City                   category
 14  County                 category
 15  State                  category
 16  Zipcode                category
 17  Country                category
 18  Timezone               object
 19  Airport_Code           object
 20  Weather_Timestamp      object
 21  Temperature(F)         float64
 22  Wind_Chill(F)          float64
 23  Humidity(%)            float64
 24  Pressure(in)           float64
 25  Visibility(mi)         float64
 26  Wind_Direction         object
 27  Wind_Speed(mph)        float64
 28  Precipitation(in)      float64
 29  Weather_Condition      category
 30  Amenity                bool
 31  Bump                   bool
 32  Crossing               bool
 33  Give_Way               bool
 34  Junction               bool
 35  No_Exit                bool
 36  Railway                bool
 37  Roundabout             bool
 38  Station                bool
 39  Stop                   bool
 40  Traffic_Calming        bool
 41  Traffic_Signal         bool
 42  Turning_Loop           bool
 43  Sunrise_Sunset         object
 44  Civil_Twilight         object
 45  Nautical_Twilight      object
 46  Astronomical_Twilight  object
dtypes: bool(13), category(6), float64(13), int64(1), object(14)
memory usage: 686.9+ MB

cities_by_accident = df["City"].value_counts(ascending=False)

Miami               106966
Los Angeles          68956
Orlando              54691
Dallas               41979
Houston              39448
Prospect Hill            1
Brooklyn Heights         1
Prosper                  1
Proviso                  1
Dacono                   1
Name: City, Length: 11681, dtype: int64
one_accident_cities = cities_by_accident[cities_by_accident == 1]
Beersheba Springs      1
District 6 Northern    1
Nutrioso               1
Loudonville            1
Odin                   1
Prospect Hill          1
Brooklyn Heights       1
Prosper                1
Proviso                1
Dacono                 1
Name: City, Length: 1110, dtype: int64
Miami           106966
Los Angeles      68956
Orlando          54691
Dallas           41979
Houston          39448
Charlotte        33152
Sacramento       32559
San Diego        26627
Raleigh          22840
Minneapolis      22768
Portland         20944
Nashville        20267
Austin           18301
Baton Rouge      18182
Phoenix          17143
Saint Paul       16869
New Orleans      16251
Atlanta          15622
Jacksonville     14967
Richmond         14349
Name: City, dtype: int64

"NY" in df["State"]

cities_by_accident[:20].plot(kind="barh") ----------------


sns.distplot(cities_by_accident) ----------------------

high_accident_cities = cities_by_accident[cities_by_accident>=1000]
low_accident_cities = cities_by_accident[cities_by_accident<1000]






sns.histplot(high_accident_cities, log_scale=True) -------------------

sns.histplot(low_accident_cities, log_scale=True) ----------------------

df[['City', 'Start_Time', 'End_Time']]
City	Start_Time	End_Time

0	Dublin	2016-02-08 00:37:08	2016-02-08 06:37:08
1	Dayton	2016-02-08 05:56:20	2016-02-08 11:56:20
2	Cincinnati	2016-02-08 06:15:39	2016-02-08 12:15:39
3	Akron	2016-02-08 06:51:45	2016-02-08 12:51:45
4	Cincinnati	2016-02-08 07:53:43	2016-02-08 13:53:43
...	...	...	...
2845337	Riverside	2019-08-23 18:03:25	2019-08-23 18:32:01
2845338	San Diego	2019-08-23 19:11:30	2019-08-23 19:38:23
2845339	Orange	2019-08-23 19:00:21	2019-08-23 19:28:49
2845340	Culver City	2019-08-23 19:00:21	2019-08-23 19:29:42
2845341	Highland	2019-08-23 18:52:06	2019-08-23 19:21:31
2845342 rows × 3 columns


0          2016-02-08 00:37:08
1          2016-02-08 05:56:20
2          2016-02-08 06:15:39
3          2016-02-08 06:51:45
4          2016-02-08 07:53:43
2845337    2019-08-23 18:03:25
2845338    2019-08-23 19:11:30
2845339    2019-08-23 19:00:21
2845340    2019-08-23 19:00:21
2845341    2019-08-23 18:52:06
Name: Start_Time, Length: 2845342, dtype: object

df["Start_Time"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Start_Time"])

0         2016-02-08 00:37:08
1         2016-02-08 05:56:20
2         2016-02-08 06:15:39
3         2016-02-08 06:51:45
4         2016-02-08 07:53:43
2845337   2019-08-23 18:03:25
2845338   2019-08-23 19:11:30
2845339   2019-08-23 19:00:21
2845340   2019-08-23 19:00:21
2845341   2019-08-23 18:52:06
Name: Start_Time, Length: 2845342, dtype: datetime64[ns]


0           0
1           5
2           6
3           6
4           7
2845337    18
2845338    19
2845339    19
2845340    19
2845341    18
Name: Start_Time, Length: 2845342, dtype: int64

sns.histplot(df["Start_Time"].dt.hour, bins=24) ----------------------

sns.distplot(df["Start_Time"].dt.hour, bins=24, kde=False, norm_hist=True) ----------------

sns.distplot(df["Start_Time"].dt.dayofweek, bins=7, kde=False, norm_hist=True) ---------------

c = df["Start_Time"][df["Start_Time"].dt.dayofweek == 5]

sns.distplot(c.dt.hour, bins=24, kde=False, norm_hist=True) # suterday ----------------------

d = df["Start_Time"][df["Start_Time"].dt.dayofweek == 6]

sns.distplot(d.dt.hour, bins=24, kde=False, norm_hist=True) #suday ----------------

sns.distplot(df["Start_Time"].dt.month, bins=12, kde=False, norm_hist=True) -----------------

df_2020 = df[df["Start_Time"].dt.year == 2020]

sns.distplot(df_2020["Start_Time"].dt.month, bins=12, kde=False, norm_hist=True) -------------------

df_2021 = df[df["Start_Time"].dt.year == 2021]

sns.distplot(df_2021["Start_Time"].dt.month, bins=12, kde=False, norm_hist=True) --------------------

sample_df = df.sample(int(0.1*len(df)))

sns.scatterplot(x=sample_df['Start_Lng'], y=sample_df['Start_Lat'],size=0.001) --------------

lat, lng = df['Start_Lat'][2], df['Start_Lng'][2]
lat, lng

(39.10266, -84.52468)


map = folium.Map()
marker = folium.Marker((lat, lng))

for x in df[['Start_Lat', 'Start_Lng']].sample(100).iteritems():

('Start_Lat', 299281     33.165584
115485     37.575070
1480729    28.486842
2333791    37.682417
1031728    45.123027
2254910    43.943930
1572773    40.846088
1510297    39.419041
2169737    31.869660
2088991    45.029890
Name: Start_Lat, Length: 100, dtype: float64)
('Start_Lng', 299281     -87.544120
115485    -122.046900
1480729    -81.418264
2333791   -122.126156
1031728    -93.335777
2254910    -94.879170
1572773   -121.911575
1510297    -76.635636
2169737   -106.440650
2088991    -92.962040
Name: Start_Lng, Length: 100, dtype: float64)

sample_df = df.sample(int(0.01*len(df)))
heat_data = list(zip(list(sample_df['Start_Lat']), list(sample_df['Start_Lng'])))
map = folium.Map()

# no data from NY state
# less than 5% of cities have more than 1000 yearly accidents
# about 1110 cities reported only one accident (in need of investigating how accurate the data are )
# most crowded time from 3am to 8pm
# throughout the week except suterday and sunday, accidents are very high "almost 200% increase" compared to suterday and sunday


alexandria, egypt